
Supply Chain Management

Fair and Transparent Conduct of Business

Reinforcing Compliance in Procurement
Canon not only complies with laws and regulations on procurement globally, but also ensures complete fairness and transparency in dealings with its suppliers. Specifically, we established the Canon Group Procurement Code of Conduct for Executives and Employees in Charge of Procurement, which stipulates appropriate actions that persons in charge of procurement as well as executives and employees responsible for placing orders should keep closely in mind in order to maintain high standards of legal compliance and corporate ethics. Also, Canon’s business processes are uniform across its global network based on a common set of detailed rules on procurement practices in place for Group companies worldwide. To ensure company-wide consistency and uniformity, a department in charge of internal Group controls was set up in the procurement division at Canon Inc. to maintain the rules, monitor compliance, and provide training for employees.
Promoting Open Procurement to Companies Worldwide
In line with our Procurement Policy, which outlines our intent to open our doors equally to suppliers worldwide and conduct business in a fair and impartial manner, we promote open procurement and invite proposals from suppliers not already in our network. Canon set up the Suppliers Proposal Site within its corporate website with the purpose of collecting information, including product proposals and information related to production outsourcing (excluding intellectual property such as designs, ideas and inventions), from companies worldwide. Products proposed on this site are now being used in Canon products. We will continue to duly consider all future proposals based on established rules.